Friday, February 11, 2011


Well, guys, we made it to Friday! This past week was challenging and I'm very relieved to see it end. I have to get an internship this summer for school, and things were just not lining up this week. It did, however, turn around yesterday and start looking positive. I also had a pretty big project due Thursday in my Introduction to Design class. I plan on sharing more about my days as an apparel merch. student here on the blog. Hope you don't mind. ;)

This weekend I plan on hitting up my nephew's basketball game (he's in 3rd grade and he and his friends are so stinkin' cute in their uniforms) on Saturday, but Sunday is going to be jammed pack with goodness. The Southern Fashion Bloggers are finally having a meetup!! We plan on meeting in New Orleans for a fun tea party. I can't wait to put faces to so many of the women I already call friends on the world wide web. Then that night my church is celebrating it's 5th birthday! Nothing too extravagant, just getting together to acknowledge what the Lord has done in our time together.

And who could forget about Valentine's Day on Monday?! ME! That's who. Luke and I try not to make a fuss over the day. Some years we get awesome ideas, some years we don't. This is one of those chill years. We've never celebrated Valentine's Day the cheesy way. Never been interested. But this year, I think we'll probably just go to Walmart, set a budget and a shopping time limit, and just see what kind of ridiculous, cliche crap we can find each other, but still make it personal. Quite the challenge! But we are totally up for it, and hopefully it'll bring some laughs. See how we celebrated years before here, here, and here. What about you? Big plans this weekend or Monday?



(p.s. Pic above is what I looked like on Tuesday. Don't know what the heck I'm talking about? Read about it here.)


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